This write up is not my personal work, it is intended to amplify Robin Roberts' plight on New Orleans's Hurricane. A PERSONAL ESSAY BY ROBIN ROBERTS. There's no place like home, and the beautiful Mississippi Gulf Coast will always be home to me. Having lived there beginning at the age of 8, I had become accustomed to hurricanes. But Hurricane Katrina was different with forecasters using words like “catastrophic” and “historic.” The morning of Katrina I went to work as usual, co-hosting GMA alongside Charlie Gibson and Diane Sawyer. During commercial breaks I would call and check in with my family in Mississippi. My mother was too ill to evacuate so my sister, Dorothy, and her two girls stayed with her in our Biloxi home. The initial video we saw of the storm did not seem as bad as predicted. So I didn't worry too much when the phone lines back home went dead. But by early afternoon everyone realized it was even worse than we thought it would be. ABC immediately got me ...
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